Watch this beautiful projection mapping on ACCA’s brick façade.

By maria.c
Watch this beautiful projection mapping on ACCA’s brick façade.
By maria.c
Same piece. Same orchestra and soloist. Same hall – one empty, one full.
By maria.c
Two operas of the same period. Same production. Different venues – one large, one small
By maria.c
Bob Essert brings his over 30 years of acoustics consulting and scientific research with a paper presented at the International Symposium on Room Acoustics in Toronto, 2013. “How important is information transfer? Or emotional connection? This paper investigates what is “appropriately quiet” for different performance types based on the salient aspects of the performance and … Continued
By maria.c
by Rob Wilson, The Architect’s Journal, 22 February 2018. At the eastern edge of Phase 1 of the North West Cambridge Development, MUMA’s Storey’s Field Centre sits in outline against the sky, backing on to the green open space from which it takes its name. But even from far off its façades exude a textural richness … Continued
By maria.c
Bristol 24/7, Thursday Feb 22, 2018. Sixty years after its last refurbishment, the Colston Hall now has Government approval and a builder in place for major works due to start in June which will see the venue reopen in 2020 with a transformed inside and outside, and a brand new name. Approval from Sajid Javid, the Secretary … Continued
By maria.c
How many times do we go to a noisy restaurant or to a crowded space where having a proper conversation is very difficult, or almost impossible? And, even worse, how many of us have some form of hearing loss? This little demonstration illustrates the discomfort that some of us experience when we go out to … Continued
By maria.c
Belfast Live, June 9, 2015. Presentation by John Tuomey from New Lyric Theatre Architects O’Donnell + Tuomey, explaining the concept behind the design and the details of the various spaces within the building.
By maria.c
The only differences between these two clips of the opening bars of Stravinsky’s Petroushka, are the pianos and the halls. The pianist is a Yehudi Menuhin School student.
By maria.c
by Rob Wilson,The Architect’s Journal, 21 February 2018. An impressive assembly of architecture practices is involved in designing Phase 1 of this scheme, masterplanned by AECOM. The roll-call includes, among others, WilkinsonEyre, MUMA, Mecanoo, Marks Barfield and Maccreanor Lavington. So preparing to visit the newly emerging Eddington development for the first time made me wonder … Continued
By maria.c
Realbusiness, June 2014. Anne Minors wins the first award to be presented – First Woman in The Built Environment 2014. The judges citation reads: “Anne operates her business with an obvious passion and will leave a legacy that whole communities will enjoy long into the future,” “A true inspiration and a brilliant collaborator, Anne has grabbed … Continued
By maria.c
Award-winning acoustics and theatre consultants, Sound Space Design and Anne Minors Performance Consultants have combined to form Sound Space Vision. The move formalises their long-standing working relationship and will continue to build on their success in performance, education and assembly spaces, as well as broadening their reach within the built environment. Sound Space Vision enhances … Continued
By maria.c
Anne Minors gives an interview to Canada’s New Classical 96.3 radio on how to make theatres sound good, in Toronto, December 2017. Interview: You started out as an architect; what lead you to consulting with performing arts organizations? Well I started out wanting to be a musician, but I soon realised that I wasn’t going … Continued
By maria.c
by Roya Nikkhah, The Telegraph, May 29, 2011. As he opens his sprawling estate to opera fans, John Paul Getty’s reclusive grandson Mark gives a rare interview. Today, the sound of winching and drilling fills the air, as builders erect a huge new pavilion in the grounds that, from next month, will serve as the home … Continued
By maria.c
On 7 September 2011, the Montreal Symphony Orchestra (OSM), led by Kent Nagano opened its season in its new home concert hall, situated on the northeast corner of the Place des Arts. On opening day the hall was cristened “la Maison Symphonique”, replacing its provisional name “l’Adresse Symphonique”. With recordings winning major awards and nominations, … Continued
By maria.c
BeatBox™ is a containerised, sound-isolated pod – the perfect music practice or recording space for all types of musical instruments and bands. Sound Space Vision provides the acoustical expertise to ensure that the environment inside the space is suited for the intended use, and that no one outside will be disturbed by the sound level … Continued
By maria.c
The way in which the sound energy moves and bursts in the room determines the character of the sound. Watch this video to see how the sound expands from the source point on the stage of Toronto’s Four Seasons Centre to the rest of the room and bursts into particles when it meets surfaces such … Continued
By maria.c
Follow the Xiqu Centre story.
By maria.c
The Dance between Vision and Sound – where do we look when we listen? Anne Minors’ paper presented at 23rd International Congress on Sound and Vibration – From Ancient to Modern Acoustics. Abstract. Concert hall design is at a crossroads between its origins, which have been unamplified orchestral music and singing, and the forces of … Continued
By maria.c
Acoustics isn’t just what the audience hears, it’s also how and what the musicians on stage hear. Bob Essert and Evan Green explain Sound Space Design’s improvement of the 1970’s Cyril Harris Hall. This paper was presented at Proceedings of the Institute of Acoustics, 2015. On Stage Hearing: Experience from Orchestra Hall, Minneapolis “Orchestra Hall … Continued