Why Silence?


Bob Essert brings his over 30 years of acoustics consulting and scientific research with a paper presented at the International Symposium on Room Acoustics in Toronto, 2013.

“How important is information transfer? Or emotional connection? This paper investigates what is “appropriately quiet” for different performance types based on the salient aspects of the performance and audience appreciation.”

In designing performing arts buildings we design HVAC systems to be silent, or at least appropriately quiet, and we isolate performance spaces from environmental noise and vibration. Different performing arts have developed in different cultural contexts and noise environments, and background noise criteria can, and should be derived from an understanding of the acoustics of the specific performance practice. For example, how important is information transfer? Or emotional connection? This paper investigates what is “appropriately quiet” for different performance types, based on the salient aspects of the performance and audience appreciation and experience over 30 years of consulting practice. – Robert Essert

To read the full article please click the link below.

Why Silence?  R. Essert