University College School M19 Lecture Theatre London, United Kingdom
University College School M19 Lecture Theatre

University College School (USC) refurbished their M19 Lecture Theatre in a two phase project completing in 2021 with Sound Space Vision providing acoustic consultancy, designed the reseating and new music storage. UCS is an independent boy’s school founded in 1830.
In phase 1 of the project, in 2018, refurbishments to enable improvements to the acoustical separation of rehearsal spaces, and in particular the drumming room, were undertaken. This required alterations to the ductwork to reduce cross talk and additional walls to insulate between spaces.
In phase 2, in 2020, the existing benches were reupholstered, made good and relocated with altered heights to improve sightlines, disabled access and remove the glass barriers. A new sliding door storage system was also installed to keep musical instruments neatly packed away out of sight. Timber wall panels were added to improve the acoustic performance, and the audio-visual system was reoriented.