Finding a site Assessing a building for suitability for conversion to any type of arts or gathering use Assistance with preparing a brief Establishing a budget for building conversion Master planning a site through phased development
Process – Theatre Planning
1 – Preparation
Site assessment and feasibility
Defining the project vision by identifying the range of uses to be undertaken and their needs
Preparing a brief and accommodation schedule (a list of rooms with area and adjacencies)
Establishing budgets
Master planning for phased developments
Business planning
2 – Concept Design
Setting out the form of the room
Advising on building wide planning for movement of people and equipment
Identifying positions for lighting, sound and communication equipment
Identifying the equipment loading on the structure
Electrical and mechanical requirements of the technical infrastructure
Relating design proposals to budgets
3 – Developed Design
Design and integration of rigging, lighting, sound and audiovisual equipment into the architecture, to suit the needs of the building
Developing system schematics and control systems
Preparing a Technical Masterplan of Equipment
Advising electrical engineers over routes, containment and power requirements
4 – Technical Design
Specifying infrastructure, control systems and loose equipment within budget
Producing clear drawings, schematics and schedules for specialist contractors
5 – Construction
Evaluating tenders to achieve best value for client
Reviewing contractor submittals and monitoring progress during construction
Witness testing
Acoustic tests
6 – Handover & In-use
Assisting with technical riders and box office plans
Planning for future events